
攝影 : 弘益 / Zoe

        已知今年河床路不再通,便計劃步行溯溪前往,這是今年的第三趟,相較前兩次開車抵達營地,可真的是苦行 之路.

This is where we stayed on Friday night, used to be a school, 

now a gathering place for aboriginees' ceremonies or meetings.

舊學校, 現在原住民的集合場所, 後方為重新裝修過的老戲院. (萬榮) 

This used to be a stage where principle preached the students, we slept right on it with lots of stuff villagers stored there. 

舊時學校的司令台, 想像以前校長站在台上訓話的威風, 我們卻在上面展開三個行軍床呼呼大睡, 過癮!

Looking in the valley after a short stop by the controling station, the weather just couldn't be more perfect! 



Setting off for the BIG hike - 4 guys plus 2 beauties and 3 super powerful jeeps!

出發挑戰極限! (其時尚在做著只走半小時的春秋大夢, 腳步輕盈也!)

The Blue + Green Symphony! 藍與綠的二重奏

Every summer after typhoons, the river bed got flooded with huge rocks brushed down from mountains nearby. 

The photo shows an empty flag and a roof of mountain hut which was deeply buried underneath. 

二子溫泉路線必經朝聖之地 - 遭土石淹埋的山屋


This is the scary "Trouble Water" and extensive river bed, we had to cross the rush stream several times on the 8K hike. 

寬闊的河床上湍急的水流 - 早期一首老歌 "惡水上的大橋"的惡水二字堪差形容之!

Most of path is like this, rocky, rocky, rocky! 除了石頭路還是石頭路......

Numerous rocks piled up like a small hill to test our rock climbing skill!

石頭路不夠刺激, 石頭山比較夠看!




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